
BC Numeracy Assessment

Jun 04, 2018

Here is a copy of the letter for the parents of Grade 10 and Grade 11 students at RSS:

Dear RSS Parents/Guardians and Students,

All grade 10 and 11 students will write the Provincial Numeracy Assessment at Revelstoke Secondary School on June 26, 2018.  Starting this June, all students in grades 10 and 11 must successfully write a provincial numeracy assessment in order to meet graduation requirements. 

Grade 10 students will write from 9:00AM-11:00AM.  Students should be at school by 8:45AM to ensure that the Assessment starts on time.  Grade 11 students will write from 1:00PM-3:00PM.  These students should be at school by 12:40PM.

Grade 10 and 11 students have not written any form of provincial math assessment.  Therefore, in order to meet graduation requirements, the grade 10s and 11s must successfully write the Numeracy Assessment.  Students will have three attempts at writing the assessment in order to either meet the minimum level, or improve their result, before they graduate.  The Numeracy Assessment will be evaluated on a scale from 1-4, with “4” being the highest evaluation.  Achieving a “1” is a pass.

The Numeracy Assessment is NOT a math exam!  The Numeracy Assessment is designed to check the degree to which students can comprehend and use data from basic math skills and apply it in life-like scenarios.  Ms. Wallach has been visiting grade 10 and 11 classes to help explain the assessment, and she has created a bulletin board on the top floor that helps explain sample problems.

Please see these links for more information on the Numeracy Assessment in general, parent information, and sample questions:

If you have an unavoidable conflict where your child cannot attend on that day, please contact the school at 250-837-2173.  However, it is expected that all students will be available to write this provincial assessment on the assigned day.

Thank you,

Greg Kenyon

Principal, RSS