September 2021 RSS Update
Dear Students and Parent/Guardians,
I am very pleased with how the school year has begun. There seems to be a very positive ‘vibe’ in the school as students and staff begin the school journey together this year. Everyone is being very considerate of mask-wearing policies, and we applaud all the support RSS has received from families already. Of course, RSS strongly urges all students, their families, and staff to become fully vaccinated as soon as possible.
The counsellors have again successfully performed the herculean task of emergency schedule fixes that occur at the beginning of the year. If there are other concerns for which your child wants support, students should please book an appointment online with their counsellor.
I’m sending a lengthy update today as it contains very important information about accessing the RSS Family Portal, as well as other helpful information for the beginning of the year.
Family Portal
We are opening the MyEdBC Family Portal again this year where you will be able to access all of your child’s information, check attendance, check contact information, access report cards, complete permission forms and check transcripts and graduation progress. Your child also has access to this information through their MyEdBC Student Portal. The link for the MyEdBC Family Portal is on our school website.
If you had an account last year, you can log in again with the same password. There is an “I forgot my password” option if you can’t remember your password. Your login ID will be in the following format: p19firstnamelastname (i.e. p19johnsmith – case sensitive). You will also need to use the same email address you provided to the school.
If you are new to Revelstoke Secondary School, login account information will be created for parents/guardians who have provided an email address to the school. A MyEdBC Login ID and a temporary password will be emailed to you on Thursday, September 16. Please check your JUNK or SPAM folder if you do not see it.
We are asking parents to review the Verification Form on the main page of your Family Portal under Published reports and contact the school if there are any changes. Only one parent needs to do this. You can phone the high school or email Jaime Sinclair ( if there are any changes.
We are also asking parents to complete the annual Permission Forms. Only one parent needs to do this. There are four permission forms for each child:
- BC Student Permission – Release of Photo
- BC Student Permission – Release info to PAC
- BC Student Permission – Internet Access
- BC Student Permission – Field Trip
*Note: You may still have old permission forms from last year and you will see two permission forms for PAC. Please complete all forms with your desired response.
We are attaching a Family Portal support document to guide parents through initial set up, basic navigation and frequently asked questions. If you have difficulties logging into the Parent Portal, and you’ve followed the “How-To”/“I forgot my password” steps, please contact Jaime Sinclair at RSS (250) 837-2173 for assistance.
Family Portal Support (PDF)
Pop-Up Vaccination Clinic at RSS September 21 8:30-11:30AM
All students, their families, staff, and members of the public are urged to become fully vaccinated as soon as possible. There will be a pop-up vaccination clinic in the Arena parking lot on September 21 from 8:30-11:30AM open to all members of the RSS community.
Mental Health and Well-Being Resources
Please see the links below for effective and informative support for students and their families regarding mental health well-being.
Ambulance Services at RSS
Should we need to call an ambulance for a student, and a family does not have extended health coverage, the ambulance will be at our expense.
Free bracelets provided to children aged 4-14 (parents can go online to With the rise in childhood asthma, diabetes and allergies, more and more children have a medical condition or special need that should be communicated in an emergency. Should an emergency occur at school, first responders and health professionals will have immediate access to the child’s medical records.
Terry Fox Run September 24th
RSS will participate in the Terry Fox Run on the 24th. If you want to donate to the Terry Fox Foundation here is a link: Revelstoke Secondary Fundraising Link.
Again, I apologize for the long message. As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Be Safe and Take Care,
Greg Kenyon, Principal
Stay connected!
Please visit our website and twitter @columbiaparksch