Mental Health and Wellness – Link to the Parent & Caregiver session on worries and anxieties and other resources
Mental Health: Worries and Anxiety – what is “normal”? recording
A huge thank you to Hilla Shlomi and Dr Batchelor for their presentation to Revelstoke families this past week as part of the Parent and Caregiver series that we are offering on the second Tuesday of each month. Some people had trouble with the virtual option so we wanted to share a recording of the evening along with the presentation slides.
Here is the link to the recording. It is on youtube, but needs a link to view:
January 14th is the next presentation in the Parent and Caregiver series – Understanding Teen Sexual Health with Jessica Wyslouzil
We will discuss relationships, boundaries, consent, pregnancy and prevention, STI’s and prevention, and where to find great resources, support and info. (this presentation is geared toward caregivers of teens aged 11-18, but is open to parents of kids of all ages).
1 hour presentation, 30 minutes of discussion.
Upcoming Sessions – link to view descriptions of sessions for the entire Parent and Caregiver series
Parent & Caregiver Series | School District 19 (
Other great resources
We have shared some great resources on the school websites under the “Departments and Programs” Tab so they are easy to find when and if you need them.
Open Parachute
Teachers in Revelstoke have been using a new resource to support students with their social and emotional learning. There are Parent and Caregiver videos included with the program. Reach out to your child’s teacher if you would like access to these videos.
Take care 🙂